Potential of Porous Silicon Doped With Gold Nanoparticles in Detection of Biogenic Amine. Porous Silicon Used in the Detect


Authored by Francisco Severiano Carrillo

Due to its properties porous silicon is a material with high potential to be applied in bio-delivery carriers and biosensors. To enhancement the capacity of porous silicon as biosensor, gold nanoparticles are introduced in its structure. One of the most used methods to obtain porous silicon/Au nanoparticles is metal salt-assisted chemical etching. The high surface of porous silicon matrix and the Au nanoparticles allow the increment of the sensitivity of the biosensor. This structure can be use as platform to got a biogenic amine optic biosensors. This kind of sensors (optic) are based on the changes of the signals related to the reactions between biogenic amines and the recognized element used (diamine oxidase).

To Read More...PHP in Global Journal of Nanomedicine in Juniper Publishers


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